on 16th of oct.there will be a annual dinner held in Kelab Shah Alam wit the theme luxurious and glamorous(LUXUMOROUS..i guess).
my oh my.i do hve major problems in finding the perfect outfit 4 dat nyte. i keep wondering wether i shud wear dresses like those hollywood stars or just find some cool outfits that just fit wit the theme.
darn..this is thougher than solving my investment problematics. One of my hsmate had bought one few weeks ago. well. it suits her+she looks totally gorgeous in it.
unfortunately. i havent found one although ive search 4 the best dress in dis few weeks.cant believe a girl who luv to shop suddenly having a hard time finding her prom dress.hmm..dats a little pathetic i guess.
urrgghh..dis thing really mess up my head.cud anyone pls help me??
i need a fashion consultant.i want to look dazzle.but how??..
luve 2 be me.