DoN't . Let . mE . STarted

Saturday, December 27, 2008

My truly confession:im soo into with the vampires.haha..
n wat the hell.i've jst broke up wit the human n knw crazy bout this 'pontianak mat salleh'..kesian2(a.k.a wat a pity a**.though).

And at least im not gonna bitching around to be with guys jst for least.Guys are soo hard to understand.i guess being single would allow u to live a happier life.(yup!!)

MY VAMPIRES!!owh.dear. my madness with twilight and all its sequel is unstoppable.jst cnt imagine the ideas of readin the books like 10x a week!dear god.bless my life.n that happen b4 my semester break.which might be the coz of my bloody failure to get a flyin colour result.haha.(padan muke..=p).so my vampire, Edward Cullen.the charmin hotty,the lovable bf(to Bella.duh.),the rich n famous vampire had mde me fall on my knees.imagine the sweet taste of his kiss.woops!red lights pls.hehe.

MY oh affects of twilight had made me obsese with all these vampire stories.few days during my holliday.i came across another vampire book.written by an american author.Charlaine Harris.which abviously was an adult western american vampire might sound lame n too matured.but guess a month.i've spent almost $150 only for her books!!in a month.(plak tu!!).the vampire Bill Cmpton.... i cn say better than Edward.why?becoz he's older.n older means better.ehehehe.n jst so u knw.edward is 100yrs old but Bill is already 300yrs old.which was soo cool coz he cn even tell those nannies bout the stories of their huh.

nw im still searchin the book Interview with The Vampire.the vampire Lestat would be diff with the 2 above.he's more sinister.evil creature who luv to be a monster n live for almost centuries.(i guess).no romance n luv stories of coz.well.guess i'll try to get 1 n tell u wat about it.but still.

HE IS HOT!!haha.


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