After i took a quick glanced on my previous posts i realized d last post was on early!..more than a yr!..what a 'pemalas'..never mind then, i guess im just gonna highlight my best moments in 2010.
In 2010, hrmmm...i think i hve quite a flying colours result for myself..not gonna tell d no..but, it has proved that im a workaholic freak..n my best buddy admit it...its like the only thing that cud stop me is death..deng~ what a w/freak~
Reason being was that I joined an entrepreneurship challenge that really squeezing my efforts and BRAIN just for the sake of preparing less than 10 pages of business proposal!...God knows where on earth i got the feeling of joining an entrepreneurship game..the ironic part was that before i entered the game (owh, i forgot to mentioned that it was held by MoneyTree M'sia..), my dad constantly asking if its ever occurred to me that i would help him with his business venture..straight answer--NO-..y?..because i hate it..I just cant imagine myself doing business..n then again there goes the bewilderment..i joined a business game..not just a private business game, but all sorts of business games that i couldn't imagi
ned letting myself in...again, sm1 asked me whats the occasion with all dis stuffs ive been doing..straight answer--i need to outshine my CV---=)
Yes people, that was the time when people started to
rush for places for an choice was one of the most prestigious big 4 Audit Firm which is Deloitte..n to make sure they say YES to u, u need to make sure they are impressed with ur order to make that happened, u need to throw urself,involved with activities that will open their eyes and say YES u r the right person to join them..So i guessed it worked, n i would definitely be thankful for it..=)
But then again, life is not like a bed of roses, u will somed
ay hurting yourself when u step on those thorn..n that was what i felt during my internship period..of course i wasnt expecting things to be sweet and lovely..but i guessed my thoughts abt the job were slightly mislead. Of course I wasnt expecting some stranger would be YELLING at me when Im politely asking for documents...but then again, as what the late Randy Pausch had said, experience is what you get when you dont get what you w
ant..i hv learned, n will keep reminding myself to lear
n more.. because i believe that is what youngsters like me should do..
live life to the fullest n let the failure or anything that upsets me as the condiment towards my success..
bisou bisou <3