yesterday i went to Kuala Lumpur.it a major city in the country of corse.i went there wit my mum n dad to buy our 'baju raya'( formal cloth during raya celebration), cookies and house accesories.
Gosh.the place was such a horror. its so hectic with people crowding the area looking for shops and stalls dat provide them with their needs. im so not into dis kind of place due to the soo many people around and of corse stalker!!..i do hve to beware all the time.
well.i do have dis interest of watching people behavior when i feel moodless to shop although i am in the shop(its kinna estathic sometime..).i luv to watch kids.hmm..there just seems free to do watever they feel like doing it.plus. they dont even bother bout people who keep looking at them or how people feel when they act weirdly.
dats nice.coz once u grow up.everything seems to have the limit. dats when u started to feel young again.They are special.some people think dat kids are just sm kind of pain in the a**(sorry wit dat..hee..).
everytime i look at this kids.my mind keep saying " how fortunate u r, life at the young age would be the best. nothing to worry about apart 40m going to kindegarden or school.".and yes. i do wish i could turn myself to be like them. maybe becoz im a busy woman who hve countless of problems dat i hve to face(haha.try to run away from problems is nt the best thing either..).
to those kids.appreciate ur young life n make it useful.be nice n be smart coz ur born wit it.
luv 2 b me.