...answer---> Nay!!
yup..after 2 years stuck in dis money2 world, i realize dat i just cnt fit in..the world is soo not for me..pathetic n foolish..dats wat i feel..always..
now, im up to degree level..things are gettin though..or worst( so to speak )..my grades slips and i don't think i can work out with dos subjects..
to make thing worst, i even join the student rep for the non-resident ( wit god knows why..).. thought i might feel okay to stay here as i can do wat i luv to do..but still..urrgghh..
my dear life..is worthless..few days past, i made a presentation about teenage and suicide..i explained to people bout wat happened to teenagers nowadays..bout how irrational to tke the posession which u don't belong 2..i even told people that in lyfe u hv to be smart and consistent wit wat u want to n wat u want to be..never let people stop u from doing somthing u want soo bad.
dat is wat i told to my classmate..wit confidence and precise..
as days past by, i realize dat the presentation was actually for me..yup.its true..of korse killing myself is not part of it..(hey..im a muzlim..=)..)..but the fact that im started to feel tired or so to speak..enuf! is enuf!!..
my soul is fighting..my heart is cursing for my weakness..im not being me..im being wat people want me to be..where is my pride??!!..
im too weak to neglect wat people expect me to be..i luv them as much as i luv myself..
i need a space for myself..wish i cud be in sm place smwhere...
luv me..