OMG!!! it over..at last..my worst nightmare ever have come 2 an end. Last saturday was my last final exam paper which is auditing. The qustion was..hmmm i can say modest..but u knw, only gods will whether the 'A' belongs to me or not...fuh..
Well.. i guess my hsemate and i have come out with such an idea to make our last nyte look alive. we watched movie. MADAGASCAR 2..and guess wat..it was a 11.30pm movies..w.O.W!!..oh gee..i just spell dat..hee..our 1st midnight ever..of korse, only dummies would ever asked permission from their parents..haha..!!
ok..the story was hilarious. the penguins were as genius as Einstein...omg..they just move with their brain and guts.and wallah!! the thing is there..=>..owh.i wish i cud have one of those..brilliant+funny...
luv me,