Dear bloggers,
im19 turn up to be 20 in june DIS YEAR..yup2.i luv grown up,looking mature n hotter(kot..ehehe)..otak lg bgs..more money come in..no more questions of what n why..vote 4 democracy!!!yay!!..(politic's spirit..)
but the truth is..since i was 13 my frens luv to kol me the 'org TUA'..why oh why???!!..
~Types of novel they read:
Shopaholic (xah cmner eje tu..), teenage love romance, malay romance ( eg: Rela Menanti(willing to wait), Andai Ku Pergi ( if i go away n away..), Kasih Suci(purify Love)..ETC,ETC..)
~Types of novel i read:
John Grisham's collection(the firm, the runaway jury,the client, the innocent man..etc..), bram stoker's dracula, sejarah tanah melayu(KOnON!!..blh thn laa..), my bestfren's girl( jenis bku 4 akak2 bru jd suri rumah..)
~Types of Movies they watch n luv soo much:
High Skool Musical(1,2,3..), comedy n drama (eg: wild child, hse bunny, bring it on, mean girls..etc2 yg sewaktu dgnnnyer..)
~Types of movies i watch n luv soo much:
The Good Shepard, Randy Pauch's The Last Lecture, Air Force One, The Firm..hrrmm...tua sggh..
~Types of movies we luv!!:
Dance theme( stomp the yard, step up 1 n 2, bring it on(blh la makcik ni nk join jgk..hehe), a walk to remember( tgk 10x ngs..)
~Types of guys they prefer:
BERIMAN(crucial ni..), KAYA, ORG MUDA(..ceh..)
~Types of guys i prefer:
BERIMAN, 10x KAYA, ORG TUA(..i emphasize dis!!..tp umo bpk org xnk kot..ishk2)
Shopaholic (xah cmner eje tu..), teenage love romance, malay romance ( eg: Rela Menanti(willing to wait), Andai Ku Pergi ( if i go away n away..), Kasih Suci(purify Love)..ETC,ETC..)
~Types of novel i read:
John Grisham's collection(the firm, the runaway jury,the client, the innocent man..etc..), bram stoker's dracula, sejarah tanah melayu(KOnON!!..blh thn laa..), my bestfren's girl( jenis bku 4 akak2 bru jd suri rumah..)
~Types of Movies they watch n luv soo much:
High Skool Musical(1,2,3..), comedy n drama (eg: wild child, hse bunny, bring it on, mean girls..etc2 yg sewaktu dgnnnyer..)
~Types of movies i watch n luv soo much:
The Good Shepard, Randy Pauch's The Last Lecture, Air Force One, The Firm..hrrmm...tua sggh..
~Types of movies we luv!!:
Dance theme( stomp the yard, step up 1 n 2, bring it on(blh la makcik ni nk join jgk..hehe), a walk to remember( tgk 10x ngs..)
~Types of guys they prefer:
BERIMAN(crucial ni..), KAYA, ORG MUDA(..ceh..)
~Types of guys i prefer:
BERIMAN, 10x KAYA, ORG TUA(..i emphasize dis!!..tp umo bpk org xnk kot..ishk2)
P/S: Dis is the enigma of QISTINA...i do feel conscious with my weirdy,yet..IM PROUD of WHO I AM..(haha, the evil laugh..!!)
klakarlah kau neh...
tapi mmg betul pon kau org tua... hehehehe