wow!!i am so amazed with stephanie meyer. She is the writer for the 5.5million copies of novels which was sold in just 30 days!!(its TWILIGHT everyone)..Gosh.that is just so overwhelmed.i first found out about the novel from my friend a.k.a my housemate who asked me to buy the 4th novel which was BREAKING DAWN.she keep telling me dat the novel is just so cool.the way the author describe the dazzlingness of the vampire(Edward Cullen.huhu) dat will distract ur attention to every gorgeous guy across the world.
well.i really was influence by her once she told me about the vampire.there goes the beginning of my nightmare.at first i burned the midnyte oil just becoz i cnt control myself from flipping page to page. the story is just very2 interesting.
An unortodocked romance between a vampire(Edward Cullen) and a human(Isabella Swan).the type of the story is simple.a teenage romance. but i feel when i read the novel.the author seems so creative in describing every event of the story.
i went through her webpage (www.stephaniemeyer.com) to read about how she manage to get the base idea and imagination of the story.well. according to her. it happen to be from her dream.
one nyte. she dreamed dat she saw a couple which one person have this most gorgeous face she can never forget which she knew dat is a vampire with his couple which seems to be an average normal human being. it was a beautiful dreamed.once she woke up. the dream seems hard to be erase 4om her mind.
everyday the author told herself not to forget about the dream becoz to her it seems so special and meaningful.a dream dat could lead her to something signnifficant.later, she came out with an idea of making a novel based on her beautiful one night dream.
and there it goes. it does give a signifficant impact to her life now.from a moderate mother, she turn out becoming one of the most successful author in the world.
Wow!! how a dream can actually change ur life.
If u have one.y dont u give a shot.who knw.things cud really change in the future.
luv 2 be me..